I'd be willing to have a press conference admitting that this was all a lie and that Clay and I never met nor did he ever solicit me for sex and that as far as I know he is straight.
Are you saying Clay is not gay? And the evidence they had, was that Clay with a man or a woman? And where did you get your inside information? Like before going on GMA in Sept. that he was on meds?When we started the blog there were people who disliked Clay's saying that LA had rotting guts and they were willing to share information on Clay. Clay pissed off some powerful people by not playing ball.
Percocet is just a numb front person. It's the others on there that are behind this whole thing. When I had my blog I would occassionally post and that's why you say different styles and why it appeared on was on all night. There are a group of 8 people. I was recuited back in July of 2005 from bigmuscle.com. They saw me there and that I was muscular, attractive, and from NC. and persuaded me to help them. So we worked out this scheme over 6 months and put it into place going over ever detail. I even took 3 prior lie detector test so that I could pass one by any media that gave me one.
Oh what about the cumrag? Used a prop.
And the cell phone calls? They were calls made by "haters" to my phone.
And the hotel room? There was really a room 207 and I really did check in and I did walk with someone into the room.
So who is revoles?
I am told that it's a guy with a close connection to 3 of these women. I do know that he is rich.
Were you paid?
My only compensation was that they would get me in touch with Lucas to do porno.
He did all this for a shot with Michael Lucas.
And all my bills paid for an entire year. Why do you think I had to start working again in December?
On Sept 28 2007, Paulus admitted that he had not spoken to the real Clay Aiken. He was fooled by an impostor and blogged about the fact that all of his saved Instant Messenger transcripts were with a Fake Clay.So, why after you were put in contact with Lucas... did the porno and hated it, did you continue the lie? Was it because of the contract with Lucas and your image as the 'guy who had sex with Clay Aiken'??
Because Claymates pissed me off and it was fun messing with them. I sort of forgot about Clay in the mix not until he called did I connect with him as a real person.
Some may think that I am disappointed to learn that the person I was communicating with for nearly a year turned out to not to be Clay Aiken. I am not. I was greatly relieved to have learned that Clay Aiken and Ms. Parker were NOT using some single mother in order to manipulate me and the fans. It would have been easier for me to ignore the truth and to continue to post IM conversations from "Clay Aiken", but I would have compromised my integrity as a person. I will readily stand before you and admit that these perpetrators have fooled me as well as many fans than to continue to publish conversations which I have now learned weren't with Clay Aiken. My apologies to all those that were affected and I hope that the person(s) responsible will be sought out, found, and prosecuted.
In your e-mails to Perc, where you call him a pathological liar and so many other bad things, what was that all about?
That Jonahcruise@yahoo.com email is access by more than just me. I wasn't the one who sent those to her.
I have admitted that this was all a lie and that Clay and I never had sex. What's the problem. Time to move on. Clay has been a victim of a really evil scheme and I know that he is grateful for having such devoted fans who always believed in him. It's over Perc. The Claymates and Clay have both won. I hope they will forgive me for playing along with this ruse as Clay has.
Perc- You want me to name names, but I have family I need to be protective of. IF these people are crazy enough to destroy Clay, then imagine what they might do to my family if I start naming names. The only protection I have is threatening to take them to the police.
They already know where your family is jackass.
I won't reveal who you guys are, If you just leave them alone then.
I knew you wouldn't name the names, John. Anytime I call you on ANYTHING you never come through. Real stand up guy. (rolls-eyes)
Why did you emerge here all of a sudden. I thought you were DONE with me? Something to hide or should I say protect? It's over with. I'm not playing. Leave Clay and his fans be and just enjoy Kelly and Ruben.
Percocet is a victim of the "haters" influences. When I started defending Clay they became unhinged. Clay and I never met nor have we ever had sex. To my knowledge he is straight or bi curious. I will share more about this scheme put together by posters on the 411 over the weekend.
And then, just last week he LIED to the National Enquirer.I've called my friend at the N.E. He is very interested in hearing this was all a hoax. He will be contacting you tomorrow!Great, I'd be more than willing to share.
Thanks for posting this stalker dudes recant. It's criminal what this guy has tried to do to Clay.
Let's not forget all his little helpers from 2 other fanbases. A little exposure for them might be good for my soul.
Thank you for this blog. It's about time the other side was heard from.
It is criminal what JP has tried to do to Clay Aiken. The INTERNET is a wasteland of innuendo and untruths. No one even tries to get credible sources any more.
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